Distinguished Alumni Award
Alumni Award Nomination
I. Purpose
The purpose of the Distinguished Alumni Award is to recognize an alumnus who has demonstrated excellence in their life, contributed to their community and actively lived the Catholic faith.
II. Eligibility
Living or deceased alumni of Sacred Heart School, Pana, Illinois are eligible. The nominee does not have to be a member of the SHS Alumni Association. Current members of the awards selection committee are ineligible.
III. Award
The award shall consist of a certificate presented to the recipient. The award will be presented annually at the SHS Academic Banquet in May. The recipient’s name shall be inscribed on a plaque that will be displayed at the school.
IV. Nominations
We encourage alumni, friends and family members to make nominations. All nominations must include the following: completed nomination form and a brief testimonial of why this alumnus should be recognized.
Nominations should be sent to: SHS Alumni Association, Sacred Heart School, 3 E. 4th St., Pana, IL 62557
All nomination forms will be in force for the following two years. After that time, they may be resubmitted.
If, in the opinion of the selection committee, no worthy candidate is nominated in a given year, the Award will not be presented that year.
V. Selection Committee
The selection committee shall be composed of the following five members: priest, SHS principal or teacher, finance council member, pastoral council member, and SHOP member.
It shall be the duty of the selection committee to make the final selection of the award recipient (by 2/3 majority) and to make such recommendation to the SHS School Board. The SHS School Board will then approve or reject the committee’s recommendation.